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Fix Hoobuy Process Pending Issues

Hoobuy, a prominent Chinese shopping agent, is currently experiencing significant delays in processing orders. In an effort to address these issues, I reached out to a Manager at the Hoobuy Team for the latest updates. Here's what they had to say:

The system has already processed more than half of the orders automatically, and the rest are still in the list.

To facilitate this process, please use the form below to submit your Hoobuy order number and order date. We will forward this information to the Hoobuy team for expedited processing.

Where to Find Your Hoobuy Process Number

The Hoobuy process number, often starting with "HO," can typically be found in your Hoobuy account dashboard or in the confirmation email you received after placing your order. It usually looks like this: HOXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX.

HooBuy Process Number Where to find

New 1688 Auto Purchase System

Hoobuy has implemented a new 1688 auto purchase system that currently works exclusively for 1688 orders. Please note that these orders cannot be processed manually. This new system aims to streamline purchasing from 1688, providing faster and more efficient service.

Check out the biggest HooBuy Spreadsheet

To find your stuff for HooBuy check out HooFinds The biggest HooBuy Spreadsheet.